Sunday, January 18, 2009

how wonderful life is...

The activity was to write down eight things for which I am grateful...but I couldn't stop at just eight! :) That's quite a marvelous concept, though...

  1. Good, RELEVANT courses this semester! (Teaching High School Methods, Classroom Management, Adolescent Literature)
  2. Less stress/time to do homework/time to reflect at work
  3. James being especially loving lately
  4. Jelly Bean!
  5. Chloe's fervor for God = inspiration
  6. Mom's healthier habits (I want her to live a loooong, full life!)
  7. God's redemption
  8. My creative & aesthetic-seeking nature
  9. Finding the PERFECT wedding venue
  10. Clothes and soft, heavy blankets to keep me warm
  11. All the wonderful books I get to read this semester!
  12. Having a job & reliable employees
  13. Bush's exit and Obama's inauguration
  14. Grammar and literature
  15. Joe being friends with our ex-security guard = random gift of cell phone battery to replace my dying one
  16. Zillions of free movies through our new Verizon FiOs hook-up
  17. Having the strength (Praise God, for real) to procrastinate less and less with each task/assignment/duty/course! :)
  18. Beautiful, inspirational blogs
  19. HG-I owe her so much!
  20. Self-Control
  21. Fun fruit gum + chiclets
  22. James being older than (and turning 21 before) me
  23. Tattoo gift certificates!
  24. Happy days
  25. God as fulfilling love.

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